Traditional matrixes for rubberize punches

The availability of advanced graphic and manufacturing systems such as, for example, the three-dimensional cad, enables the creation of any type of drawing and the faithful reproduction of a sample, or its re-creation in accordance with the Customer’s requests. As far as the logo punch is concerned, mouldings with right angle or diagonal squares can be made, with pattern types or logograms and writings, in accordance with the Customer’s requests. With regard to the pattern punch, any type of chamfering can be applied, both in terms of radius as well as depth.

Removable logo punches and press.
Removable ceramic logos.

TREBAX S.r.l.    Via Cimabue, 66 - Castellarano (RE) - ITALY  –  Tel. +39 0536 850288  –  FAX +39 0536 858404  –

P.Iva/CF 00763070356  –  Capitale Sociale € 500.000,00 i.v.  –  Tribunale RE n. 24472 C.C.I.A.A. 197910 –  Privacy Policy -  customer and supplier information