Created because
The evolution of the pressing technique, in terms of finished product, has presented problems that moulds and isostatic punches of the traditional type cannot solve. This has posed the question of creating a product which, in conjunction with the “trebax” isostatic punches, could solve the many production problems.
Structure and materials
Inside the upper part of the ISOSTATIC MOULD an upper hydraulic plate is fitted, inside of which lodgings are created to accommodate the magnetic blocks. The lodgings are interconnected through deep nesting holes inside the plate, for the flowing of the oil between the cavities. The oil is retained by a hydraulically tight system, already widely tested. Contrary to normal moulds, the ISOSTATIC MOULD is made from hardened material, highly resistant to pressure and to the deformations caused by pressing.
Why the isostatic in the upper part of the SFS
The isostatic part is fitted in the upper part of the mould. This is because, from the technical view point, by inserting a sheet of 0,1 mm under the upper punch (upper part) this creates a size elongation difference of about 1 – 1,5 mm of the tile. By inserting the same sheet of 0,1 mm under the lower punch (lower part) , there is a size elongation of the tile of 0,2 – 0,6 mm. This means that in order to obtain the same result, the quantity of oil to be inserted in the lower part would be almost double, which would cause an excessive stress on the oleo-dynamic joints and lead to uncontrolled movements (luffing) of the lower magnetic block.
The holding strength and oil retention capability of the system is extremely reliable and entirely internal. The SFS isostatic mould, together with the isostatic Trebax punches do away with the connecting pipes for the punches, thus obviously avoiding the breaking of the same, the breaking of the isostatic punches and the consequential production of out of square material, hence destined to be downgraded.
Uniformity of pressure and density
The telescopic and independent blocks of the upper part of the mould consent the uniformity of density between one cavity and the next of the mould and therefore obtaining many advantages on the finished product. This also safeguards the press since pressure strength is evenly spread out and well balanced. The isostatic magnetic plate together with the isostatic Trebax punches are conducive to achieving a proper squaring and gauging, since: the oil of the isostatic punch works in the inside of the same to achieve an equal length of the sides of the single tile (squaring) and the oil of the isostatic magnetic plate works in the inside of the same to achieve equal lengths between the various cavities (gauge). On a mould with 4 catities we have the certainty that all 4 tiles, in view of the uniformity of the applied pressure, though featuring very deep reliefs and differing from one another, will enter in the same box, as they are of the same length.
Reduce your costs! Reduce your store!
What does it mean, in terms of costs, to produce a single gauge? It means been able to produce the required volume only, necessary for the clearing of the Customer’s order, without producing any surplus that will not be sold, but which will be stocked in the store, with the ensuing unnecessary increase of value.
Technical and economical advantages
1. Monogauge. A lesser quantity of different gauges in store will inevitably correspond to important economic savings.
2. Connecting pipes of the isostatic punches no longer required, thus avoiding breakages of the same, possible oil leaks and related loss of production (downtime).
3. Reduction of installation and dismantling time for isostatic punches and of machine downtime, due to breakages on isostatic punches or on piping.
4. Same pressure uniformity on all cavities.
5. No more expansion cracks.
6. Possibility to manufacture products with moulds featuring multiple rows (ex.: 32 cavities 10x10, 20 cavities 15x15, 14 cavities 20x20, 8 cavities 30x30, 6 cavities 40x40 etc.) with the peace of mind of realizing monogauge tiles.
7. Pressure uniformity throughout the cavities also means the safeguarding of the press, since the applied compression strength is evenly spread out and well balanced.
8. In case of loading problems, the oil can be removed from the isostatic part and it will work as a normal mould, without loss of production.
9. Possibility of manufacturing tiles featuring very deep reliefs and differing from one another, with the certainty of placing the tiles in the same box.
10. Production of materials with always differing drawings and structures is a unique commercial advantage and still using a single commercial vehicle.
11. Possibility of “knife type” liners (particular shape of the profile) for charging system type as “Croma LB”.
12. Possibility of liners with special material for long life.
13. Optional: dust extraction system for environmental protection and worker safety.